Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Embrace the Unfamiliar

As an entrepreneur you may seem like a stranger in a wilderness. Your path is usually not the norm or traditional. Most of us want to be liked, we do anything to be accepted. We buy the latest dresses, suits and cars to be accepted. However most fresh ideas, new inventions and change come about because somebody embraced the unfamiliar. The unfamiliar, that place that originates from within, you may be the only one exposed to a concept or idea. It may not be popular or the latest thing to do. It is unfamiliar, It may be unheard of today. The unfamiliar is hard to embrace because it usually is diametrically opposite to everything you see and hear. 

How can we embrace the unfamiliar place? You hear that small voice inside you that gives instructions, specific instructions, but, how, when, where, who me? Yes, you change comes as you embrace the unfamiliar. It is taking a specific action no matter how small, followed by another action. Many things can start to happen at this point. One thing that happens is your confidence begins to build. You idea also begins to germinate. 

The unfamiliar should be embraced, it is a place of growth and expansion. At that place you will be on the cutting edge because you are not being passive, but being creative. Many people get confused with the artist and creativity. A mother is an artist, so is a painter or photographer. It is the creating and manifestations that label the artist. Ask any mom who has to make three meals a day and do laundry as she may be dealing with different age children while she maintains her apartment or home. It is art in motion, if you don’t believe it, give it a try.

Embracing the unfamiliar will take you to places and allow you to met with people you would never have imagined. It will allow you to touch and change peoples lives. This is what life is all about, it is about doing what God has given you to do and influencing others as you live in your purpose. Embrace the unfamiliar.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Can’t Touch This!

I recently visited an event given by my friend Yendys. Please follow here company on Facebook at the Cowrie Shell Center. She carries  some excellent products. During her event she did a few meditations for the visitors in her spiritual room. During one of the medications she had us imagine a cup and a saucer.  She suggested that our meditations would consist of filling the cup to 200%. However the saucer would only get 100%. She reminded us that in our culture we are told to give 100%. Here she created this image that we can take from the 200% and give 100% but we never get more than 100%. 

She further explained that our breath work should allow us to access that place that nobody can touch. I believe people reach this place differently. A great church service also allows you to get to this place. An intense Kundalini yoga session would also allow access to this place. I call it the place of spirit, it is the universal spirit that connects to the universe. I loved her meditation because I never really had this type of imagine given to me.  Meditation here refers to a set of affirmations that are forced upon.The wisdom is that there is a place that people don’t touch. They can’t touch this! In a real sense this would solve many of our problems because we give so much to be accepted or to massage our egos. 

The idea here is that your spiritual work should allow you to have a place that people- can't touch! What is this? It is a place of peace, tranquility, it is a when there is craziness and turmoil you can sit in the midst of it and stay on course. But it takes some work, you must be familiar to being still, to hearing your own mind and not running away from what you hear. As you get to this place, nobody can touch it, nobody, it is your universal connection. Can’t touch this!

So entrepreneurs don’t forget the gift, that idea that you have, can’t be touched. What you need to do is write the plan down. Do you homework, do the research, believe, believe, do the work, find a way. Regardless of the current environment or economic forecast. What you must remember is this culture is created by man, but the creator has bigger plans. Look in the mirror close and you will understand this.

Monday, August 4, 2014

And Some More Pruning

Anyone or anything that pulls your energy away from your goals is similar to a dead leaf in a plant as mentioned in my earlier post. It seems the leaf is important because it attached to the plant, but it takes away from the potential of the plants beauty and growth. So what do we do? We must clip, trim those people or events, behaviors or actions away. When? Now or the next time they suck up your time or energy.  Note when you prune it is not gradual, it is a clear separation. This is difficult for people because they don’t have compassion for themselves. Again using the house plant, growth comes when the plant is feed properly and exposed to sun and quality air.

So, I guess I can ask the question, what are you exposed to? Do you get the proper nourishment to feed your body and mind. If you are tired and sluggish all the time this is similar to the browning of the leaves on our plant. You gotta prune, change the way you eat, read more often, start journaling or writing down ideas that come to mind. Stay out of toxic environments and run from toxic people.

The thing about pruning is that you always have to be taking self-inventory, assessing and re-assessing yourselves and  your goals. It may take time to do some more pruning, but future beautiful growth will be the result of constant pruning.