Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Would it be, to far fetched to say, it seems people in this country are just eroding away. For those of us that been detached from our homeland, we celebrate holidays that don’t have any significance to us, other that it is another day off from work (if you are working). If you are someone that has no sense of purpose other than your place in hell or heaven or reincarnation, then I am talking to you.

As I thought about this topic, what came to mind is the handrail or banister that begins to rust and erode over time because of the elements. It loses it’s look and usefullness over time. The culpuit is the air and elements. In a real sense we may suffer from the same culpuit, the air and elements. I will define the air and elements as those voices that we are exposed to that erode our natural constitution.

Those elements consist of half-lies, mistruth, mis-directed truth, all having a devestating effect on how we see our world and see ourselves. So what can we do about it? I think first we must be aware of the erosion, we need to call it what it is. Then we must realize as individuals we must take action to slow down the process. How is this done?

If I remember correctly about the handrail or banister, depending on the state of erosion the paint has to be removed first.Then the rust has to be removed and a protective coat added for the metal, so it can maintain it’s properties. How does this relate to you?

In my mind erosion is a negative subconscious conditioning from the culture. Specifically, whatever voices negate our connection as people. Someone may say, what’s wrong with our culture? We all need to live in truth. Truth is what gives us a place to stand, all of us, not some of us. Our culture allows some of us to stand tall, but I believe the world was made for all. What about you?

Each of us need to slow down the erosion process, by replacing negative subconscious thoughts with a proper understanding of truth and how it contours our life, families and world.

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