Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What Value are you Adding to Humanity?

This is a great introspective question. Before anyone can add anything to humanity each individual must find themselves. I mention this because we cannot help humanity if we pass on our illusions. We cannot help humanity if we pass on our condition responses. So we must be honest and truthful to ourselves and reflect what is in our souls into humanity untainted and affected by untruth. The truths mean different things to different people, but just find your truth. You have nothing to offer if you do not know who you are. We are an amalgamation of others conditional impressions. This can be good, but most of the time it is very bad because we do not exhibit a creativity and fluently in life.

 I mentioned earlier about truth. It is a lifetime process to sift through the lies. If you are living a lie then you cannot see or understand the lie. You must have the ability to step away from the lie to see it for what it is. It may seem tedious, but this work is essential to add value to humanity. This is what we have seen in all our great minds throughout history. They challenge what the masses say truth is and then dare to alter paradigms.

Then how do we add to humanity? You add by realizing what you do well and building an expertise and support mechanism in that area. What rubs at the very core of your soul when you hear it? What gives you goose pimples as people talk about it? What gets your blood boiling as a topic is covered in a conversation? This could be indicators of the areas you need to look closer at because you may be able to add to humanity in these areas.

Always remember less is more. Why am I saying this? In our society this notion of more is better is a crock. People usually need things to hide all their insecurities. Each individual’s smallest contribution is more powerful than all the billionaires in this country.

It is the minimal idea, expression, notion that can have the most profound affect on humanity. The key is the heart intent and energy in what a person believes in and the implementation of that believe for humanity. Each of us can play a key role if we search deep in our soul and share what God has given us for each other. Give it a try. We all will be made the better for it. Thanks.

Which Would you Rather Have: Courage or Wisdom?

Courage and wisdom can both boggle the human psyche if applied at the right time and at the right place. Do you remember the poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson, “The Light Brigade”? Check out the story and you will find out the men involved lack no courage in their endeavors, but wisdom was not apparent. Now King Solomon from the Old Testament was considered the King with wisdom above all his counterparts of that day. However King Solomon did not have to apply courage to apply his wisdom, he was wise within his own kingdom.
Wisdom always seems to solve problems. The wise men in the bible worshipped the child Jesus. Why is this wisdom? Well, King Herod was looking for Jesus, but not to worship him, but to kill him. Yet, the king with all his forces could not find the child. Plato was considered wise during his lifetime because he wrote some of the philosophical foundations for western civilization. Again wisdom solves problems both small and large. 

Now courage seems to override the mundane, ordinary and traditional. Look at what Martin Luther King did during his lifetime and you can see courage. This courage expressed challenged traditions and the staus quo. Look at the suicide bombers that sacrifice themselves because of their belief system. It takes courage. It is unfounded and surely not ordinary to kill yourself for the sake of the cause, but it is courage. Let’s talk about courage, what about Joan of Arc and to have such courage at the age of 19 years old. Once again courage rocks the tradition; it forces those in charge to eliminate any courage created.

However ideally I feel a mix of courage and wisdom would do very nicely. Then you can apply courage and have the wisdom to avoid the punishment. Both can bring extreme mental stress. You see people that are wise usually are ahead of their time and pose a threat to others because their ideas are different. So the wise man or women must weigh in their mind the right time to apply wisdom. There also could never be a right time. It is a challenge to hold back what you know, knowing it can benefit others. With courage you must just screen out what others may think and even what you think and just go for it. Applying courage can be compared to a leap of faith. You know in you gut that you must show and act on courage, but you see no tangible results it may bring. My advice to the wise and those with courage, may you always use wisdom before you take any leap of courage. Good success! Take courage!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

HELP! HELP! HELP! Entrepreneur have you looked within?

So where does help come from for the entrepreneur? The banking industry has totally ignored the small business community.  Over the years the banksters have been to busy creating a economy that makes money from debt. Advertisers claim there are opportunities for the small business owner if we use new technology and their products . A good example of this is the Apple iPad commercials  that feature Detroit. The problem is more systemic that people using iPads to change the problems in this nation.

You can find loads of You Tube videos on how to start a small business. Those leading the nation tell us the economy is getting better. Our Christian community tells us, our help comes from the Lord. And yes of course there is our reality, little savings, little time to implement or create a start-up, but even more important a very bleak picture staring us in the face.

Our help comes from within, it comes as we incorporate spiritual discipline. You see everyone tells us what to do and how to do it. However the last time I checked, we all lived in this world, that means we are a part of it and we should be co-producers in it. We throw words out like democracy and freedom, but the defining components of these words are rarely played out in our lives. These words become window dressing to mask our insecurities.

It is interesting that many of us look for help from the outside, as your are reading this blog your body has millions of functions going on. Creative forces that are balancing your body, compensating, regulating and maintaining all it’s functions. So how much more can we do, as entrepreneurs, begin to use your mind and take these same energies and focus on opening up a garden, a furniture store or  publication. We can begin to balance and regulate the functions of the world. We have the creative force within us to create the help we need today. It may sound corny, but do you see any other options?