Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What Value are you Adding to Humanity?

This is a great introspective question. Before anyone can add anything to humanity each individual must find themselves. I mention this because we cannot help humanity if we pass on our illusions. We cannot help humanity if we pass on our condition responses. So we must be honest and truthful to ourselves and reflect what is in our souls into humanity untainted and affected by untruth. The truths mean different things to different people, but just find your truth. You have nothing to offer if you do not know who you are. We are an amalgamation of others conditional impressions. This can be good, but most of the time it is very bad because we do not exhibit a creativity and fluently in life.

 I mentioned earlier about truth. It is a lifetime process to sift through the lies. If you are living a lie then you cannot see or understand the lie. You must have the ability to step away from the lie to see it for what it is. It may seem tedious, but this work is essential to add value to humanity. This is what we have seen in all our great minds throughout history. They challenge what the masses say truth is and then dare to alter paradigms.

Then how do we add to humanity? You add by realizing what you do well and building an expertise and support mechanism in that area. What rubs at the very core of your soul when you hear it? What gives you goose pimples as people talk about it? What gets your blood boiling as a topic is covered in a conversation? This could be indicators of the areas you need to look closer at because you may be able to add to humanity in these areas.

Always remember less is more. Why am I saying this? In our society this notion of more is better is a crock. People usually need things to hide all their insecurities. Each individual’s smallest contribution is more powerful than all the billionaires in this country.

It is the minimal idea, expression, notion that can have the most profound affect on humanity. The key is the heart intent and energy in what a person believes in and the implementation of that believe for humanity. Each of us can play a key role if we search deep in our soul and share what God has given us for each other. Give it a try. We all will be made the better for it. Thanks.

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