Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Seems Like Fun

Recently I was talking with Dr. Kevin Bond a minister from Brooklyn. He was sharing with me that the brothers in his church have a difficult time finding jobs.
He encourages them to return to school because there is funding available.

He added that some of the men want to be entrepreneurs. Without a breath he continued to say-- that they don't know what entrepreneurship is really all about! This is not any reflection on these men or others in this country who are told about entrepreneurship as it is like playing a pick-up game of basketball.

This is reason I included this picture with this post, it seems like fun, it looks
very promising, but there are so many pitfalls. Number one there is no formal
education, no mentorship that prepares us for entrepreneurship. We all are left to connect the dots if we have any hope of being successful.

It seems like fun, I want to be an entrepreneur! I want to have my own hours
and be my own boss! Do you know this entails working 12-14 hour work days,
maybe without pay. It can also take 2-5 years before you can even begin to make money. 

So it seems like fun, do you have savings, a good credit rating, a business that
already has a tribe (Seth Godin) or audience that uses your product and service?

                                                                    Photo by Julia Caesar

Does it still seem like fun? At the beginning you will also need to wear several hats. This will reflect your skill sets and personality. Are you a self-starter? Are you good with social media and a computer? Do you have a computer? How good are your writing skills. Whatever you can't do, you will need to hire someone. So does it still seem like fun.

#Thutmosejanic #newarknj  #TARTW #Thutmosejanic #ThutmoseGC

Monday, June 8, 2015

Guidance From The Planets and Stars

My astrologer e-mailed me recently to see how I was doing. Samuel Reynolds has been providing me some great readings since October 2013. Here is my response about insights on this entrepreneur journey

The journey is tricky, but everything happens in small increments. Your readings were correct, sometimes the timing would be a few days later or a few days before. However, I could not have gotten this far without your help. Last week I joined with Felipe Luciano on Newark TV. I will be writing for his morning show, I have also suggested a show he is interested in. It deals with questioning the level of involvement of our churches.

Otherwise I am ghostwriting a few books, my second book is complete, 'Quality of Heart' and I have twelve songs ready to go for my first album. What else? I have one digital paper out, 'The Artist Recreates the World' and a second coming out soon named Internalize Something New. And I have about 6-8 blogs running and a YouTube Channel.

What I failed to convey is that my income is not close to what it once was and my lifestyle has changed drastically because of my focus on business. And I don't have a girlfriend. It takes money to date these days. My point here is that the goal and dream is possible, but there are many ways to travel that road. Others may have saved and waited until retirement, some people may try to work full time and start the business.

The other point is that I followed my intuition and looked for the planets and stars to confirm by feelings. As I heard my readings back in 2013, I knew I had to launch out with or without money.
#Thutmosejanic #TARTW #Thutmosejanic #ThutmoseGC