Friday, February 21, 2014

Where Does The Help Come From For The Entrepreneur?

So where does help come from for the entreperneur? The banking industry has totally ignored the small business community.  Over the years the banksters have been busy creating a economy that makes money from debt. Advertisers claim there are opportunities for the small business owner if we use new technology and their products. You can also find loads of You Tube videos on how to start a small business. Those leading the nation tell us the economy is getting better. Our Christian community tells us, our help comes from the Lord. And yes of course there is our reality, little savings, little time to implement or create a start-up, but even more important a very bleak economic picture staring us in the face.

Our help comes from within, it comes from spiritual discpline. You see everyone tells us what to do and how to do it. However the last time I checked, we all lived in this world, that means we are a part of it and we should be co-producers in it. We throw words out like democracy and freedom, but the defining components of these words are rarely played out in our lives. These words become window dressing to mask our insecurities.

It is interesting that many of us look for help from the outside, as your are reading this blog your body has millions of functions going on. Creative forces that are balancing your body, compensating, regulating and maintainiing all it’s functions. So how much more can we do, as entrepreneurs, begin to use your mind and take these same energies and focus on opening up a garden, a funiture store or a publication. We have the creative force within us to create the help we need today.


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