Monday, April 7, 2014

Commitment and The Environment

These two words are intangibles for the foundations of every starting entrepreneur. The need to be committed can never be underrated. Then secondly you must have a understanding of the climate or business environment that you want to work in.

Commitment to me is having long range goals, along with short term goals. Commitment is working on your business if you have kids or you are in school you may be working full or part-time. Hopefully, not all this is happening at the same time, but some people can and have done it. Personally I think it takes a physical toll on the body and mind, which you can never ever get back. Commitment is being on unemployment and even disability and your mind, pen and paper are still working on ideas. I say this because I feel often we get these stories that success just happens during some magical alignment in time and space. Surely, this has happened for some people, but the journey involves loads of planning and work before an idea can be created.

When I speak of the environment this refers to the particular business and the overall economy.
For example just today, I learned that even if the dollar fails in the United States that there is a international solution. SDR's could be created by the IMF. This shines a different light on how a entrepreneur can conduct business in the future. I have gone a little ahead of myself, but my point is
in order for you to go forward, you must be prepared for any economic storm. So you must know the climate in retail, technology are where ever you are starting your business.

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