Monday, April 21, 2014

No Surprise

I recently attended a small business workshop. It was excellent, it covered all the aspects of
starting and running a small business. It filled in a few gaps for me. Now that I said, surely, you can almost hear the but coming in my next sentence.

This blog was started on the premise that the most important elements of starting a small business is the fortitude to make decisions and continue to go forward. It was not based on  having a lump sum of money or borrowing, to set-up a business. If you do have money this is a good thing, but I don't believe the people who read this blog have money to start a small business. As one participant mentioned  that you gotta hustle. I agree, get one job, one client, provide an excellent product or service and repeat that cycle. My position has always been that you will get little help from anyone to create and manage a start-up. For some time I could not understand the reason for this reality.

It has become clear to me, business in this country has a very powerful influence on government.
If small business was set up that you and I could be successful, at some point, people would collaborate and change some of these crazy laws in this country.

In reality you need to have some funds or you will have to borrow to go into business. In my opinion
these are not options. Let's just think about the first option, who has money set aside to start a business? Secondly who wants to create another debt in this economic environment. The numbers of first time successful small business owners are dismal. Ask yourself if so many other things in this country can be tweaked, why can't the small business paradigm be tweaked? It is a valid question.

So, it was no surprise that instead of believing I would get some information to excite me about
developing a small business. It is made very clear that starting a business is a buzz word, more than a reality for you and me.

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