Monday, October 20, 2014

Do You Know How to Get Power?

One of the best feelings in the world is that moment after you make a decision, you can say to yourself, I made the right decision. Priceless. For many of us,  including me that process of making quality decisions has developed from making the wrong decisions. This is the life process, live and learn.

I resigned from my job in December 2013. It was a great job from many peoples perspective. A government job with good benefits. Layoff was probably not going to happen because of the nature of my work. My boss. I can live without him. But was happening inside me was I felt I was short changing myself. Everything about life was so predictable and boring.
I also had talents that lay dormant without any ability to
express them in my job.

The frustration built up in me like I was being tormented by a demon. I felt driven to start my own business. I had no money, I knew I had God's gifts in me, some people would say, I am God. Semantics, semantics. I wanted power. Power that would make me feel good about myself. What I realized is that Webster's definition of power never was the power I wanted.

What do you think about this definition of power? Power is the ability to define your reality and have everybody else accept your definition of your reality as the only definition that defines you. If you don't do that, then you are a slave to any and everybody else. This is a quote from Professor James Small. Click on this Link: Culture vs Religion

I am glad I named this blog 13 years a Sophisticated Slave, as we see ourselves in the true reality (conscious ) then we can take actions to acquire power. Come along, but it is not for the feeble at heart.

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