Thursday, December 4, 2014

Job Basics 101 - They Never Change

Whether you work for yourself or others. Some things never change, like 
the sun rising each day and the changing weather each season. 
The expectations for a job remain the same, they never change.
You can add technology or fancy names to a job title, but the basics remain the same.

You are expected to be on time, be productive, provide the best 
quality service and cooperate with your leader and co-workers. 

My first job was working in a car wash in the middle of winter. If I was 
not on time it affected the  productivity of the team. My job was to 
squeeze in the back of each car and clean the rear window. It would
seem like a simple job. Yet, the cold and different sizes of cars meant
I was a contortionist all day, squeezing in and out of the back of cars.

There was also the problem of having a clean cotton rag that could
properly remove dirt in those corners of the window. On many days
as the temperature dropped, I could not feel my fingers. This made
it more difficult  to clean the windows. In addition on weekends 
and after a snow storm I had to work faster because it was important
to keep the cars moving and not lose customers.

If a customer complained, I had to jump in the back of the car again
and get cleaned to their satisfaction, no questions asked. If I did 
not function I peak performance others were always in there to
get your hours. This is a dynamic of low skilled work, more people 
available because less skills are involved.

Working in a car wash co-workers may grumble a bit, if you can’t keep up
or you always complain. There is not a reason to complain,  because everyone 
is working under the same conditions. So if you do you job well, it makes
it better for the entire team.

Job basics 101, they never change. Be on time, be productive, provide the best 
quality service and cooperate with you leader and co-workers. #Thutmosejanic

Monday, November 10, 2014

Almost a Year....

It has almost been a year since I resigned from my job. At times I think I should have never left, but the lessons I learned and continue to learn are priceless.

At this point I have higher expectations than when I started out. The main reason is because I see so many problems that need to be addressed in our society. What better way to deal with these issues than to write about them.

My advice for any inspiring entrepreneurs, do you research and homework. If you have a mentor or family member that is already doing what you want to do all the better. It would be ideal to have funding in place.

I work harder and longer on my own work than when I worked for the Census Bureau, but my work is more rewarding because it is mine. I have developed a good work flow now, I continue to work on branding myself and building my audience after almost a year.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dr Llaila Afrika --- We Are Different


Check out this video. I just found out about Dr. Llaila Afrika.
He is a great teacher, but I never, ever knew this about melanin. This video will change your perspective about the importance of melanin and how it makes a difference.

Monday, October 27, 2014

How You Like My Blog Now?

I explain the title of my blog from time to time for my new audience followers. Someone who may not have a clue about the blog title. I refer to all of us that have been moved to the middle class as sophisticated slaves. Census Bureau statistics will show how many people are at or below the poverty line. It is political correct to place us in the middle, this way the powers that be, don't have to be responsible for us.

Did you know the etymology of sophisticated in the late Middle English meant 'tampered with' or 'mix with a foreign substance' Yes, yes, it is not just bad enough to be a slave, but to be tampered with, my, my, my.

So where is the middle class entrepreneur? My argument is that the system is set-up against the entrepreneur (there are pockets that are more lucrative). Please read about some insights of blacks that I have heard recently about the black man's plight.

Professor James Small gives an overview that the African should be able to provide food, clothing, shelter, security and safety. Dr. Randell Pinkett believes blacks must enter the marketplace and remove the 'glass ceiling' he argues blacks must adjust to the systems changes.

Author Don Onukogu expressed the importance of the thought process to write and produce a book. Willie Cooper expressed passion in writing about his ancestors from the civil war. He even walked around with a proudness as if his every step was on his ancestors shoulders.

Author Kofi Ayim with his reflections and unsolved
mysteries of Jack Cudjo, a black revolutionary soldier 
whose history has been forgotten shows tremendous respect for our ancestors. Professor Nashid Al-Amin talking about the black Vikings reminded us again that blacks have done so much, but have not been given the credit.

Finally former mayor Sharpe James (Political Prisoner) shared his stories, but made it clear if you go to high, people will pull you down. He has lived thru the most recent history to prove it.

I will give my insights next post. I am working on keeping these post short to increase my readership.
I also have to add photos and other good stuff. I have something very insightful to say.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Do You Have Any Power?

It is clear. It is plain to understand. Our power comes once we control our economics, politics and culture. If you look around where you live, if your economics, politics, and culture is not controlled by your community, guess what, you have no power.
No power.

This is why a blog like this is so important.
It is a dissenting voice. It is a voice that differs from mainstream media. This is important. This is why I say again and again
that Africans must start their own businesses so that they can begin to control the economics of their community. Why do I say this? I say this because we have no power.

It does not matter if you go to the NBA and become a superstar. It does not matter if you
become a singing sensation in the world. It does not matter if have a storefront or mega church. What matters today? We must control the economics, politics and culture in our communities. Else, we have no power. So, do you have any power?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Do You Know How to Get Power?

One of the best feelings in the world is that moment after you make a decision, you can say to yourself, I made the right decision. Priceless. For many of us,  including me that process of making quality decisions has developed from making the wrong decisions. This is the life process, live and learn.

I resigned from my job in December 2013. It was a great job from many peoples perspective. A government job with good benefits. Layoff was probably not going to happen because of the nature of my work. My boss. I can live without him. But was happening inside me was I felt I was short changing myself. Everything about life was so predictable and boring.
I also had talents that lay dormant without any ability to
express them in my job.

The frustration built up in me like I was being tormented by a demon. I felt driven to start my own business. I had no money, I knew I had God's gifts in me, some people would say, I am God. Semantics, semantics. I wanted power. Power that would make me feel good about myself. What I realized is that Webster's definition of power never was the power I wanted.

What do you think about this definition of power? Power is the ability to define your reality and have everybody else accept your definition of your reality as the only definition that defines you. If you don't do that, then you are a slave to any and everybody else. This is a quote from Professor James Small. Click on this Link: Culture vs Religion

I am glad I named this blog 13 years a Sophisticated Slave, as we see ourselves in the true reality (conscious ) then we can take actions to acquire power. Come along, but it is not for the feeble at heart.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Power of Words

Come back with me during my time in grammar school. Do you remember the saying at that time? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. It implies that if someone cursed at you or spoke indecently toward do not be ready to fight because words cannot hurt you, right? After all it is just a word, how can a word inflict punishment on someone? When you are hit with a rock you can see the mark and if hit with a stick you can see the mark where you have been hit. How do you show the marks of words that are said to you? 

I can remember to this day the words I was called. The kids would call me “lips” this is because I have very large lips. At that time because the word stigmatized me I always was offended and wanted to fight. The word lips has no power until it is comes through a persons world filter. World filter to me is how a person views the world. Some people view the world with a filter of anger and bitterness others have a more realistic view of life and their filter is less clouded. The other word the kids would call me is “soup”. It was a reference to my last name being the same as the Campbell soup company. This should give us so incite to how the words people use have power. The words in most cases attempt to make you feel uncomfortable with who you are and make the person who used the word feel empowered if you respond to the word
The power of any word is its ability to break your perceptions of yourself or an idea and replace it with a new line of thinking whether positive or negative. Listen to the language and the words in the Gettysburg Address from President Lincoln” Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Can you see how the words are used to imply and change perception depending on how the hearer accepts the word? Words have power only as they change your world filter and touch your soul or personality, the Greeks called the soul your personality.
How do we explain the power of degrading, of abusive words? It has an affect on anybody because encased in certain words are negative energies. And it is not healthy to absorb this time of abusive over any period of time. As a matter of fact if you enjoy hearing and accepting abusive words, it is very likely you esteem is very low. Years ago I use to work in a residential treatment facility counseling dually diagnosed teenagers. These kids the secret to creating trouble and possibly getting their way was to start using abusive words to staff to set them off. If a staff responds through their emotions then more likely they will retaliate with abuse and get in trouble. The point is the creator of the abuse knows fully well the intend and purpose.

The power of words lie in the how a person translates the word through their word filter. Regardless of the tone or placement of the word, if the word is not translated right Any response can result. I can same “I like you” to a young lady and she may be going through a drought (lack of sexual activity) and she can have misconceptions that I want to start a relationship. Someone else can say “I hate the way you do that” those words can be taken as hating the person and not the action. However I hope you can see there is extraordinary power in words, but it is the mature person that allows words to have power when they should and minimize their power if needed.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Facebook vs. LinkedIn - What network holds more value for B2B?

Anytime B2B is mentioned, it is referring to specifically the business to business exchange of products, services, or information between businesses. This is different than business between business and customers. Another term often used for B2B is e-Biz. If we are going to ask the question which network holds more value for B2B, Facebook or LinkedIn, there origins and development will show us which holds more value for B2B.
Mark Zuckerberg shares in his own blog in 2010,”  I founded Facebook on the idea that people want to share and connect with people in their lives, but to do this everyone needs complete control over who they share with at all times.

This idea has been the core of Facebook since day one. When I built the first version of Facebook, almost nobody I knew wanted a public page on the internet. That seemed scary. But as long as they could make their page private, they felt safe sharing with their friends online. Control was key. With Facebook, for the first time, people had the tools they needed to...That's how Facebook became the world's biggest community online.  We made it easy for people to feel comfortable sharing things about their real lives.

We've added many new tools since then: sharing photos, creating groups, commenting on and liking your friends' posts and recently even listening to music or watching videos together. With each new tool, we've added new privacy controls to ensure that you continue to have complete control over who sees everything you share. Because of these tools and controls, most people share many more things today than they did a few years ago.”

Zuckerberg’s goal was to establish a community that would be social in cyberspace. This was his main goal. But lets take a look at how LinkedIn has developed into as a network.

In the article The 3 Social Media Networks That Are Best For B2B Marketing By Douglas Burdett, he explains,  “If you only use one social media network, make it this one. LinkedIn currently has 260 million users in 200 countries (and in 20 languages). The greatest benefit of LinkedIn is its ability to make contacts and build relationships. And the key to a successful presence on LinkedIn is providing valuable support and information to your connections and Groups.

LinkedIn also enables executives and companies to build their brands and establish thought leadership. LinkedIn Groups is where most of this happens. There are over one million LinkedIn groups, some with a very narrow industry focus, including your own. The best networking happens in the context of comments and status engagement.
From a marketing standpoint, LinkedIn allows you to run advertising that can be extremely targeted by location, industry, title, company and other demographics. On a company level, LinkedIn has recently enhanced your ability to showcase your firm via company pages feature. This is a smart place to introduce your company, share your content and boost traffic back to your website.

But the most appealing feature of LinkedIn, especially in B2B sales, is the ability to find out most everything on a professional level about a target prospect. And, you can determine if there’s an opportunity for a warm introduction through one of your connections. At that point, you will want to take the conversation from LinkedIn to an offline, person-to-person interaction.”

Burdett makes it clear that LinkedIn development has and continues to expand around building brands and building business relationships. LinkedIn as a network functions purely in this professional arena. Jasmine Sandler in her article Which Social Network is Best for B2B Marketing? “Hands down, LinkedIn is the best social network for B2B marketing. LinkedIn is the only real B2B social network that was developed purely to develop direct B2B sales relationships for B2B marketers.
The other social networks – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube – all should be in the toolbox of any serious B2B marketer. But if you're on limited time and resources and looking to greatly increase your bottom line, you should invest wholly in LinkedIn.”

LinkedIn is clearly the network that holds more value for B2B. Facebook was a building block to networks like Twitter, Google+ and YouTube among others. I don’t think it will lose it’s clear advantage, but only extend it in the future.

Burdett, Douglas/The 3 Social Media Network That Are Best For B2B Marketing/ Business2Community/10/1/2014

Sandler, Jasmine/Which Social Network is Best for B2B Marketing/ Search Engine Watch/10/1/2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What Value are you Adding to Humanity?

This is a great introspective question. Before anyone can add anything to humanity each individual must find themselves. I mention this because we cannot help humanity if we pass on our illusions. We cannot help humanity if we pass on our condition responses. So we must be honest and truthful to ourselves and reflect what is in our souls into humanity untainted and affected by untruth. The truths mean different things to different people, but just find your truth. You have nothing to offer if you do not know who you are. We are an amalgamation of others conditional impressions. This can be good, but most of the time it is very bad because we do not exhibit a creativity and fluently in life.

 I mentioned earlier about truth. It is a lifetime process to sift through the lies. If you are living a lie then you cannot see or understand the lie. You must have the ability to step away from the lie to see it for what it is. It may seem tedious, but this work is essential to add value to humanity. This is what we have seen in all our great minds throughout history. They challenge what the masses say truth is and then dare to alter paradigms.

Then how do we add to humanity? You add by realizing what you do well and building an expertise and support mechanism in that area. What rubs at the very core of your soul when you hear it? What gives you goose pimples as people talk about it? What gets your blood boiling as a topic is covered in a conversation? This could be indicators of the areas you need to look closer at because you may be able to add to humanity in these areas.

Always remember less is more. Why am I saying this? In our society this notion of more is better is a crock. People usually need things to hide all their insecurities. Each individual’s smallest contribution is more powerful than all the billionaires in this country.

It is the minimal idea, expression, notion that can have the most profound affect on humanity. The key is the heart intent and energy in what a person believes in and the implementation of that believe for humanity. Each of us can play a key role if we search deep in our soul and share what God has given us for each other. Give it a try. We all will be made the better for it. Thanks.

Which Would you Rather Have: Courage or Wisdom?

Courage and wisdom can both boggle the human psyche if applied at the right time and at the right place. Do you remember the poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson, “The Light Brigade”? Check out the story and you will find out the men involved lack no courage in their endeavors, but wisdom was not apparent. Now King Solomon from the Old Testament was considered the King with wisdom above all his counterparts of that day. However King Solomon did not have to apply courage to apply his wisdom, he was wise within his own kingdom.
Wisdom always seems to solve problems. The wise men in the bible worshipped the child Jesus. Why is this wisdom? Well, King Herod was looking for Jesus, but not to worship him, but to kill him. Yet, the king with all his forces could not find the child. Plato was considered wise during his lifetime because he wrote some of the philosophical foundations for western civilization. Again wisdom solves problems both small and large. 

Now courage seems to override the mundane, ordinary and traditional. Look at what Martin Luther King did during his lifetime and you can see courage. This courage expressed challenged traditions and the staus quo. Look at the suicide bombers that sacrifice themselves because of their belief system. It takes courage. It is unfounded and surely not ordinary to kill yourself for the sake of the cause, but it is courage. Let’s talk about courage, what about Joan of Arc and to have such courage at the age of 19 years old. Once again courage rocks the tradition; it forces those in charge to eliminate any courage created.

However ideally I feel a mix of courage and wisdom would do very nicely. Then you can apply courage and have the wisdom to avoid the punishment. Both can bring extreme mental stress. You see people that are wise usually are ahead of their time and pose a threat to others because their ideas are different. So the wise man or women must weigh in their mind the right time to apply wisdom. There also could never be a right time. It is a challenge to hold back what you know, knowing it can benefit others. With courage you must just screen out what others may think and even what you think and just go for it. Applying courage can be compared to a leap of faith. You know in you gut that you must show and act on courage, but you see no tangible results it may bring. My advice to the wise and those with courage, may you always use wisdom before you take any leap of courage. Good success! Take courage!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

HELP! HELP! HELP! Entrepreneur have you looked within?

So where does help come from for the entrepreneur? The banking industry has totally ignored the small business community.  Over the years the banksters have been to busy creating a economy that makes money from debt. Advertisers claim there are opportunities for the small business owner if we use new technology and their products . A good example of this is the Apple iPad commercials  that feature Detroit. The problem is more systemic that people using iPads to change the problems in this nation.

You can find loads of You Tube videos on how to start a small business. Those leading the nation tell us the economy is getting better. Our Christian community tells us, our help comes from the Lord. And yes of course there is our reality, little savings, little time to implement or create a start-up, but even more important a very bleak picture staring us in the face.

Our help comes from within, it comes as we incorporate spiritual discipline. You see everyone tells us what to do and how to do it. However the last time I checked, we all lived in this world, that means we are a part of it and we should be co-producers in it. We throw words out like democracy and freedom, but the defining components of these words are rarely played out in our lives. These words become window dressing to mask our insecurities.

It is interesting that many of us look for help from the outside, as your are reading this blog your body has millions of functions going on. Creative forces that are balancing your body, compensating, regulating and maintaining all it’s functions. So how much more can we do, as entrepreneurs, begin to use your mind and take these same energies and focus on opening up a garden, a furniture store or  publication. We can begin to balance and regulate the functions of the world. We have the creative force within us to create the help we need today. It may sound corny, but do you see any other options?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Embrace the Unfamiliar

As an entrepreneur you may seem like a stranger in a wilderness. Your path is usually not the norm or traditional. Most of us want to be liked, we do anything to be accepted. We buy the latest dresses, suits and cars to be accepted. However most fresh ideas, new inventions and change come about because somebody embraced the unfamiliar. The unfamiliar, that place that originates from within, you may be the only one exposed to a concept or idea. It may not be popular or the latest thing to do. It is unfamiliar, It may be unheard of today. The unfamiliar is hard to embrace because it usually is diametrically opposite to everything you see and hear. 

How can we embrace the unfamiliar place? You hear that small voice inside you that gives instructions, specific instructions, but, how, when, where, who me? Yes, you change comes as you embrace the unfamiliar. It is taking a specific action no matter how small, followed by another action. Many things can start to happen at this point. One thing that happens is your confidence begins to build. You idea also begins to germinate. 

The unfamiliar should be embraced, it is a place of growth and expansion. At that place you will be on the cutting edge because you are not being passive, but being creative. Many people get confused with the artist and creativity. A mother is an artist, so is a painter or photographer. It is the creating and manifestations that label the artist. Ask any mom who has to make three meals a day and do laundry as she may be dealing with different age children while she maintains her apartment or home. It is art in motion, if you don’t believe it, give it a try.

Embracing the unfamiliar will take you to places and allow you to met with people you would never have imagined. It will allow you to touch and change peoples lives. This is what life is all about, it is about doing what God has given you to do and influencing others as you live in your purpose. Embrace the unfamiliar.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Can’t Touch This!

I recently visited an event given by my friend Yendys. Please follow here company on Facebook at the Cowrie Shell Center. She carries  some excellent products. During her event she did a few meditations for the visitors in her spiritual room. During one of the medications she had us imagine a cup and a saucer.  She suggested that our meditations would consist of filling the cup to 200%. However the saucer would only get 100%. She reminded us that in our culture we are told to give 100%. Here she created this image that we can take from the 200% and give 100% but we never get more than 100%. 

She further explained that our breath work should allow us to access that place that nobody can touch. I believe people reach this place differently. A great church service also allows you to get to this place. An intense Kundalini yoga session would also allow access to this place. I call it the place of spirit, it is the universal spirit that connects to the universe. I loved her meditation because I never really had this type of imagine given to me.  Meditation here refers to a set of affirmations that are forced upon.The wisdom is that there is a place that people don’t touch. They can’t touch this! In a real sense this would solve many of our problems because we give so much to be accepted or to massage our egos. 

The idea here is that your spiritual work should allow you to have a place that people- can't touch! What is this? It is a place of peace, tranquility, it is a when there is craziness and turmoil you can sit in the midst of it and stay on course. But it takes some work, you must be familiar to being still, to hearing your own mind and not running away from what you hear. As you get to this place, nobody can touch it, nobody, it is your universal connection. Can’t touch this!

So entrepreneurs don’t forget the gift, that idea that you have, can’t be touched. What you need to do is write the plan down. Do you homework, do the research, believe, believe, do the work, find a way. Regardless of the current environment or economic forecast. What you must remember is this culture is created by man, but the creator has bigger plans. Look in the mirror close and you will understand this.

Monday, August 4, 2014

And Some More Pruning

Anyone or anything that pulls your energy away from your goals is similar to a dead leaf in a plant as mentioned in my earlier post. It seems the leaf is important because it attached to the plant, but it takes away from the potential of the plants beauty and growth. So what do we do? We must clip, trim those people or events, behaviors or actions away. When? Now or the next time they suck up your time or energy.  Note when you prune it is not gradual, it is a clear separation. This is difficult for people because they don’t have compassion for themselves. Again using the house plant, growth comes when the plant is feed properly and exposed to sun and quality air.

So, I guess I can ask the question, what are you exposed to? Do you get the proper nourishment to feed your body and mind. If you are tired and sluggish all the time this is similar to the browning of the leaves on our plant. You gotta prune, change the way you eat, read more often, start journaling or writing down ideas that come to mind. Stay out of toxic environments and run from toxic people.

The thing about pruning is that you always have to be taking self-inventory, assessing and re-assessing yourselves and  your goals. It may take time to do some more pruning, but future beautiful growth will be the result of constant pruning.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Time to do Some Pruning

A few months ago I brought some plants that absorb toxins out of the apartment. One of the plants was lush, full and green after I purchased it. I placed them all in my bedroom and I would swear my sleep was better that night and each night after the first. After a month I noticed that one plants leaves was browning, then the leaves started to dry up. I watered the plants during the week, but these are indoor plants and they should be doing well. Then I started thinking I will need to replace this plant because it is dying for whatever reasons.

Now I know the importance of pruning. You cut shear, pinch, clip some of the plant that is not growing properly or is taking energy away from the major growth of the plant. The goal is to maximize the growth of the plant and enjoy the beauty or fruit of the plant. Working in a urban garden it would seem I should know this, but this is a different plant a different environment.
As time past I lamented about the lost of this once beautiful plant.

However this weekend I started to prune all the brown leaves and to my pleasant surprise under
all those large dead leaves was a bunch of new green leaves growing. More pruning and it became
clear I had a entire new plant growing.This was a reminder to me that all life has various seasons and cycles. We cannot always understand and know when a cycle starts or stops. What we all can do is to remember to prune ourselves. Prune our environment our apartment and home, even our friends. Many people talk about those were the good old days, we wish it was like that now. No, we need to prune ourselves and see what new growth we have, see and experience a newness we do not see because of the dead leaves covering potential and possibility. Time to do some pruning.

Monday, April 21, 2014

No Surprise

I recently attended a small business workshop. It was excellent, it covered all the aspects of
starting and running a small business. It filled in a few gaps for me. Now that I said, surely, you can almost hear the but coming in my next sentence.

This blog was started on the premise that the most important elements of starting a small business is the fortitude to make decisions and continue to go forward. It was not based on  having a lump sum of money or borrowing, to set-up a business. If you do have money this is a good thing, but I don't believe the people who read this blog have money to start a small business. As one participant mentioned  that you gotta hustle. I agree, get one job, one client, provide an excellent product or service and repeat that cycle. My position has always been that you will get little help from anyone to create and manage a start-up. For some time I could not understand the reason for this reality.

It has become clear to me, business in this country has a very powerful influence on government.
If small business was set up that you and I could be successful, at some point, people would collaborate and change some of these crazy laws in this country.

In reality you need to have some funds or you will have to borrow to go into business. In my opinion
these are not options. Let's just think about the first option, who has money set aside to start a business? Secondly who wants to create another debt in this economic environment. The numbers of first time successful small business owners are dismal. Ask yourself if so many other things in this country can be tweaked, why can't the small business paradigm be tweaked? It is a valid question.

So, it was no surprise that instead of believing I would get some information to excite me about
developing a small business. It is made very clear that starting a business is a buzz word, more than a reality for you and me.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Commitment and The Environment

These two words are intangibles for the foundations of every starting entrepreneur. The need to be committed can never be underrated. Then secondly you must have a understanding of the climate or business environment that you want to work in.

Commitment to me is having long range goals, along with short term goals. Commitment is working on your business if you have kids or you are in school you may be working full or part-time. Hopefully, not all this is happening at the same time, but some people can and have done it. Personally I think it takes a physical toll on the body and mind, which you can never ever get back. Commitment is being on unemployment and even disability and your mind, pen and paper are still working on ideas. I say this because I feel often we get these stories that success just happens during some magical alignment in time and space. Surely, this has happened for some people, but the journey involves loads of planning and work before an idea can be created.

When I speak of the environment this refers to the particular business and the overall economy.
For example just today, I learned that even if the dollar fails in the United States that there is a international solution. SDR's could be created by the IMF. This shines a different light on how a entrepreneur can conduct business in the future. I have gone a little ahead of myself, but my point is
in order for you to go forward, you must be prepared for any economic storm. So you must know the climate in retail, technology are where ever you are starting your business.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Optimism and Realism a Needed Understanding For Entrepreneurial Success

In an article, Optimism vs Realism: Which Breeds More Entrepreneurial Success? Jerry Jao shows that the entrepreneur should have an balanced understanding of optimism and realism. It seems both are a true reality of entrepreneurship. Failures can serve as learning experiences for the future. While success cannot be taken for granted. An often heard motto is, “ you can’t rest on your laurels.”

One area I have always lacked in was the legal aspect of business. Why? I was always so optimistic about my abilities to get new clients and provide a service, that would bring repeat business.  Jerry Jao shares that studies do confirm a strong link between successful entrepreneurs and optimism, but this should not lead to delusion. In my case I believe the delusion was rooted in seeing the marketing and service as the entire business model, as it is simply was components to the whole business. This is a major mistake, often the legal aspect of the business offers a safety net and alternatives. Here are some legal mistakes made by entrepreneurs.

As anyone contemplates entrepreneurship, make sure you have a proper balance of optimism and realism. A good working knowledge of each is essential as an entrepreneur.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Entrepreneur DNA

I was reading Mark Suster's blog on Entrepreneur-DNA and decided to share my insights on the concept. In the blog Mark share insights about thirteen points that make up the DNA of an entrepreneur. Just be reminded that DNA is replicating, it continues to make of copy of itself. My experience has shown even if you work for others, you have this make-up within yourself that leans toward entrepreneurship. Your mind is more oriented toward making decisions and leading others.

One way or the other you have ideas and the willpower to make sure a project is completed. It is not just that you want a good work performance rating and you want to maintain you job. There is also some frustration there because you skill set never has an opportunity to play out in you being the boss. Many people or on the sideline, yet have such creativity. Some people have tenacity as mentioned in Mark's blog to never give up. This is very different from people that just do enough to get by, or use only the effort needed for the requirements of the job.

Today my point is simply, look within and see if you have the DNA traits of an entrepreneur.
If so then it is time to start thinking of ideas and ways to allow you, as entrepreneur to replicate into a small business.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


What is intuition? I would define it as a connection to your inner inclinations. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines intuition as a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling, rather than conscious reasoning. Consciousness is being awake, but for this writing, I refer to being awake, as understanding the impact and historical role of imperialism in our lives.

Personally, I feel intuition is a God given gift that makes each person unique and special. Consciousness is always relative, but is based on facts and information. But how does the entrepreneur use his intuition for success? How can the entrepreneur be instinctive in our current environment? They must be totally influenced by spiritual disciplines along with practicality. Practicality must be added because this brings the entrepreneur needed balance.Our inner inclinations must be marinated within developing ourselves through spiritual enrichment along with the practicality of the business and social environment.
It  is nearly impossible for the entreprenuer to start and stay on course because the signals in society are suspect with a specific agenda. Let me be clear, such economic indicators as the stock market and CPS survey along with many other surveys that are false indicators of the status of the nation. This means if you saturate yourself with only this information your inclinations will not be based in reality. It is based on another’s reality. However, what does your intuition tell you? Should you have a small business? Is it possible for you to begin a start-up on your own or with family? Maybe a family business can redirect energy in the household that may be going in a less productive direction, but you must trust your intuition. Here are some blogs that portray practicality not often seen in everyday media. Check out Max Keiser and also Democracy Now. Your intuition is crucial because it allows you to respond  to your inclinations.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Why is it so hard to focus? Whether we have to focus on weight, our relationships, or a bank account, it is always difficult to stay focused. As I thought about the focus a entrepreneur needs, I realized that we lose focus because we cannot keep a concentrated effort on a specific agenda. In Thomas Oppong's blog, 11 Habits of Remarkable Entrepreneurs , one of the habits he feels is key, is incredible focus.

Recently I watched two movies, Cast Away with Tom Hanks and All is Lost with Robert Redford. In both of these movies the major character had to focus intensely on survival. There was only one focus, survival. Here is why it is so difficult for us to become focused and any activity especially as an entrepreneur. It is very hard, yet not impossible to focus with an intense passion on just one thing as in the above movies. 

What is needed for focus is an intensity on all the actions needed to reach the goal. In both movies improvision and creativity was of paramount importance. The question is in today’s society, how can we reach and maintain this type of focus. 

In my opinion, since we experience so many distractions, and also have so many responsibilities. The answer seems to lie in the ability to set time aside, specifically  uninterrupted time, so this focus can be put into practice daily. In this way, several things begin to happen. Confidence can be built, components for success can be focused on, and the process keeps you in the moment. This type of application is seen in Kemetic Philosophy, recreation is the very act of life, a consciousness of each moment of your life and your connection to what is developing at each moment. So recreation is not running six miles or lifting weights, or doing Pilates, yoga, recreation is the ability to re-create each moment. 

This makes perfect sense if we think about our physical body. At any moment we have millions of actions that maintain our body, constantly re-creating our bodies. Yet, we have forgotten that the most important focus should be on re-creating the world we live in. We have delegated these responsibilities to others, and this has not worked well. So how do we increase our focus? We must be dedicated to a specific time slot that we can re-create in. It may take a little longer, to reach a goal, but the end results will be satisfying and life-changing.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Would it be, to far fetched to say, it seems people in this country are just eroding away. For those of us that been detached from our homeland, we celebrate holidays that don’t have any significance to us, other that it is another day off from work (if you are working). If you are someone that has no sense of purpose other than your place in hell or heaven or reincarnation, then I am talking to you.

As I thought about this topic, what came to mind is the handrail or banister that begins to rust and erode over time because of the elements. It loses it’s look and usefullness over time. The culpuit is the air and elements. In a real sense we may suffer from the same culpuit, the air and elements. I will define the air and elements as those voices that we are exposed to that erode our natural constitution.

Those elements consist of half-lies, mistruth, mis-directed truth, all having a devestating effect on how we see our world and see ourselves. So what can we do about it? I think first we must be aware of the erosion, we need to call it what it is. Then we must realize as individuals we must take action to slow down the process. How is this done?

If I remember correctly about the handrail or banister, depending on the state of erosion the paint has to be removed first.Then the rust has to be removed and a protective coat added for the metal, so it can maintain it’s properties. How does this relate to you?

In my mind erosion is a negative subconscious conditioning from the culture. Specifically, whatever voices negate our connection as people. Someone may say, what’s wrong with our culture? We all need to live in truth. Truth is what gives us a place to stand, all of us, not some of us. Our culture allows some of us to stand tall, but I believe the world was made for all. What about you?

Each of us need to slow down the erosion process, by replacing negative subconscious thoughts with a proper understanding of truth and how it contours our life, families and world.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Building Blocks

For years building blocks have been created to teach children the foundation of building. We can also use building blocks as concepts to move toward starting a business. I do not assume your success will be a multi-million company, but rather an opportunity for a person to do something they like and at the same time make a living or acquire supplemental income. The building blocks I refer to consist of how one gets from one level to the next in this process.

Today, it is not a guarantee to be able to go to college and then get a great job or even get a job. I suggest if you don’t know your strengths and weaknesses then you should check out some  free self-assessments on the Internet. This would allow you to  get a better understanding of what you do well.

This could take some time, it doesn’t usually happen by taking one test, you may have to take a few tests to arrive at the correct insight. After that is done you can start to look at possible small business ventures that may work for you. Will you need additional training? Is there cost involved? There probably will be cost involved, do some searching and see if you can find a series of YouTube videos or a website, maybe a blog that teaches what you need. Then see if you can work your way towards your goal or start your business. You may feel funny attempting this on your own, so get a friend or partner to help in the overall assessment. Make it a project. The longest journey starts with the first building block.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Where Does The Help Come From For The Entrepreneur?

So where does help come from for the entreperneur? The banking industry has totally ignored the small business community.  Over the years the banksters have been busy creating a economy that makes money from debt. Advertisers claim there are opportunities for the small business owner if we use new technology and their products. You can also find loads of You Tube videos on how to start a small business. Those leading the nation tell us the economy is getting better. Our Christian community tells us, our help comes from the Lord. And yes of course there is our reality, little savings, little time to implement or create a start-up, but even more important a very bleak economic picture staring us in the face.

Our help comes from within, it comes from spiritual discpline. You see everyone tells us what to do and how to do it. However the last time I checked, we all lived in this world, that means we are a part of it and we should be co-producers in it. We throw words out like democracy and freedom, but the defining components of these words are rarely played out in our lives. These words become window dressing to mask our insecurities.

It is interesting that many of us look for help from the outside, as your are reading this blog your body has millions of functions going on. Creative forces that are balancing your body, compensating, regulating and maintainiing all it’s functions. So how much more can we do, as entrepreneurs, begin to use your mind and take these same energies and focus on opening up a garden, a funiture store or a publication. We have the creative force within us to create the help we need today.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Emerging Artist is More Than a Singer, Dancer, Painter, They Create Alternative Perspectives

In my last post I spoke about how our behavior is based on what we believe. If it is true and it is, then the artist must emerge. My definition of artist is not only the actor, dancer or sculptor. In my mind an artist today is someone who can creatively manage old systems and ideas and change them to enhance the culture. To often we work within the framework of these limited definitions and constructs.

The artist and entrepreneur are interchangeable to me, but please do not place a limit on what this person can do. We need the artist to emerge. They need to create new images, new stories new insights, new paths and alternatives. I believe what we fail to realize is that as African-American efforts go forth to gain respect and a wider audience in media, other groups continue to reinforce their older distorted stories. Many of these stories are steeply set in a racist unfair construct.

Just ask yourself were any minorities represented in any of the best picture nominees? The movies were great, I myself watched American Hustle, Gravity, Philomena, Her, and Nebraska and oh, we were represented  in Twelve Years a Slave. How is it whenever we get a picture about blacks, its a feel good picture? But how do you make slavery feel good? The history books we studied in school are cleverly written to show our countries successes, as the major players have been down played or deleted (Blacks). On that note, check out this interview from Democracy Now with Clarence Lusane. The discussion is about the untold history of more than a quarter of U.S. Presidents involved in slavery and human trafficking.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

We Behave Based on What we Believe

In my last post I talked about western belief systems. This post will remind us that these systems are responsible for our day to day behaviors. Yet, I have not forgotten the entrepreneur who needs a solid basis to begin on. But how can anyone begin on a solid footing if our beliefs are tainted by half-truths and mis-truths? We understand who we are as we understand who we are spiritually.

A entrepreneur can obtain solid footing with the proper mobility and resources. Mobility to move within different levels of society and resources to cultivate and create as needed for the community. The New York Times provides ten reasons why businesses fail.  However what I refer to is a need for a mental fortitude instilled through balance and a proper spiritual reflection of oneself. The ten reasons the above article cites comes after a untainted spiritual understanding.

As I look at my own life and talk with people, it is becoming clear that our religions do not have balanced outlets for us to internalize what is happening externally to us. More of us should be able to become successful entrepreneurs. So, why is it that with our intelligence and abilities we are not more successful? Is it because of internal inaptitude or external manipulation? Is a black or African consciousness any less than any other belief system? Why can’t you make the next move? Is it because of what you believe or what you have been told?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What About Those Western Religions?

Olodumare and Lemanja
by Mikaelquite

As I continue on this journey of entrepreneurship, it is important that each entrepreneur know thier self worth. What is your potential? Is the sky truly the limit? On what do you base such an assumption? If you live in America, all our images and information are confusing. Our leaders tell us the economy is getting better, but nobody mentions poverty. Is poverty a curse word? We look at ourselves and we see limitations. Yet, our churches tell us we are made in the image of God.

Our western religions tells us we are made in the image of God, but I am a black man in America. How do I measure myself in the image of the God I have been shown? According to western religions all African religious systems are inferior to western religions. We have been shown and told African practices follow paganism, heathenism, etc.... So how do I develop a healthy image of myself, so that I can truly become independent and on many different levels (balance)? My suggestion, we must take a closer look at African origins of the major "Western Religions." Above is an artist  interpretation of Olodumare the God of the Yoruba people. How does this image make you feel? In comparision to the images of a white God, many have been conditioned to believe?

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Term Ego Has Acculturated Our World, But What About Our Belief Systems?

It is clear that Freud's psychoanalytic theories has become our basis for understanding personalities in our world.  We use the word ego to explain each other hangup's and behaviors. As I was thinking about today's post, I wondered how does this reflect our belief systems? My understanding of belief systems for this post are Judaism, Islam and Christianity in the West and Eastern belief systems. Do ancient teachings found in the Torah, Koran and Bible support psychoanalytic theory? Or do Eastern belief systems have a clearer indication of ego in their teachings?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Does The USA Have an Ego?

Today I will continue talking about the ego from my experience and personal opinion.
It beats trying to understand Freud's complicated id, ego, superego and reality, that stuff is for school.
However we all experience and live these concepts each day. We may recognize the importance of our ego in our life or we may choose to totally ignore it.

Two days ago I started talking about what tools I find important as someone begins to move toward entrepreneurship. I suggested you must control your ego and not let it control you. If people are going to have any sense of worth, it always comes through discipline and this includes controlling the ego.

We live in a culture that controls and manipulates everything. As a result the USA is the most advanced and wealthy nation in the world. Our gas, fiat money and food is manipulated and managed so that it brings a profit to the originators of these industries. However our homeless and blue collar workers never really receive the true benefit of wealth.

We may be able to say that the founding fathers represent the ego of the US?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mr or Ms Ego, Can Direct You Down The Wrong Path

Yesterday I started some thoughts on the ego. In the simplest terms this is a person's self-esteem or self-importance. For example I recently played five games of basketball aggravating my sciatica.
Why did I do it? I wanted to be seen by others as the older guy who can still play basketball. What value does it have to anyone? None. This is my exact point, people can find themselves doing things
that have no value at all. Why? They want to been seen in a certain way by others. Make sure you control you your own ego. Also insure your actions have some tangible value toward something.
That's my post for today. Share with you tomorrow.